Have you mistakenly bought airtime from M-Pesa and then used some amount but wanted to reverse it?  Safaricom PLC noted it is possible to get the money back to your M-Pesa wallet even if you have spent some amount.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The telco assured that in such incidences, the customer can still reverse the airtime bought back to M-Pesa by sending the transaction message to 456.

However, this will only be successful if the customer tops up the amount used to the original amount. “Please make sure you (the affected customer) top up the amount you have used (to make calls, pay a subscription fee, or Okoa debt) back to the original M-Pesa transaction amount, then forward the original message to 456,” said Safaricom.

The telco then sends a response message showing the reversal request has been initiated. Safaricom said the response time should be immediate, and the customer will have the amount returned to their M-Pesa wallet.

“The reversal of airtime bought from M-Pesa is done immediately. Check your message or M-Pesa balance once you receive reversal confirmation,” the company added.

This followed an incident in which a Safaricom customer who bought airtime worth KSh 5,000 instead of KSh 50 regretted not being keen. Murkomen Junior shared a screenshot of his airtime balance and sought advice from netizens on what to do…CONTINUE READING>>

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