President William Ruto on Wednesday directed Members of Parliament to hasten the progress of the Conflict of Interest Bill that currently awaits parliamentary approval.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking during the handover of assets by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), the Head of State revealed he already held talks with the parliamentary leadership about advancing the bill for presidential assent.

President Ruto, while insisting on the matter, vowed to turn down the bill if it failed to establish a high standard of accountability, integrity and anti-corruption measures.

“I have engaged with parliamentary leadership and I urge parliament to swiftly pass the conflict of interest bill,” Ruto directed.

“I am told that there is a mediation process going on in parliament but I have told them with clarity that I will veto any bill that doesn’t establish a high standard of accountability and integrity,” he added.

According to Ruto, he had been notified about the attempts by a section of lawmakers to water down the bill that sought to restructure the anti-graft rules.

The Conflict of Interest Bill which is currently in parliament seeks to impose stringent sanctions against government officials found culpable of engaging in government business to amass ill-gotten wealth.

It also seeks to eliminate corruption within the government that has turned many public officers into overnight millionaires despite their relatively modest salaries.

The piece of legislation includes several critical clauses that public officials must adhere to, ensuring a clear separation between their official duties and private interests.

Meanwhile, Ruto in his address also proposed amendments to the Evidence Act and the Criminal Procedure Code as part of the

stern measures to curb corruption in the country.

“Additionally, we will propose amendments to the Witness Protection Act to revamp the statutory and institutional framework for protecting and incentivizing whistle-blowers,” Ruto revealed.

“We must do everything within our power to end corruption in every organisation, at every level of government, and across all regions of our republic,” he added….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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