The proposed standards and certification requirements are seen as a necessary step towards preventing such abuses and ensuring that religious organisations operate transparently and responsibly....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

President William Ruto on Tuesday received a report from The Presidential Taskforce on the Review of the Legal and Regulatory Framework Governing Religious Organisations in Kenya.

The taskforce was established to address significant legal and regulatory challenges within the country’s religious sector.

This initiative was prompted by alarming incidents such as the Shakahola Tragedy and the rise of religious extremism, which exposed the misuse of religious freedoms to commit harmful acts.

The taskforce’s mandate was to investigate these issues, identify gaps in the current legal framework, and propose reforms to ensure that religious organisations operate responsibly and in accordance with the law.

The primary goals of the taskforce included safeguarding the freedom of religion, preventing the exploitation of these freedoms, and ensuring the protection of public safety and well-being.

The Presidential Taskforce on the Review of the Legal and Regulatory Framework Governing Religious Organisations has proposed a series of minimum standards and certification requirements.

These recommendations, outlined in the taskforce’s final report, aim to ensure that religious leaders and organisations adhere to basic standards of operation, thereby safeguarding public interests and enhancing trust within the community.

They found significant gaps in the governance and oversight of religious institutions, often leading to abuses and exploitation under the guise of religious practice.

Key Recommendations Educational Standards for Religious Leaders The taskforce recommends setting minimum educational prerequisites for religious leaders.

This measure is intended to ensure that leaders are adequately trained and knowledgeable in their respective faiths and capable of providing sound spiritual guidance.

The report suggests that these standards be determined by registered umbrella bodies representing various religious organisations.

Certification and Licensing The team recommended a certification process for religious leaders and organisations, requiring them to meet specific criteria before being allowed to operate.

This certification will be a formal recognition of their legitimacy and compliance with set standards.

Self-Regulation Through Umbrella Bodies The report emphasises the importance of self-regulation within the religious sector. Umbrella bodies, representing different faiths, will play a crucial role in monitoring and ensuring adherence to the minimum standards.

These bodies will also have the authority to certify religious leaders and organisations, providing an additional layer of oversight.

Legal Framework and Government Oversight While self-regulation is encouraged, the taskforce acknowledges the need for government oversight to enforce compliance.

The report proposes the establishment of a Religious Affairs Commission that will work alongside the umbrella bodies to monitor and regulate religious practices, ensuring they align with national values and public safety.

Public Reporting Mechanisms To address issues of misconduct and abuse within religious organisations, the taskforce recommends establishing mechanisms for the public to report concerns.

This will include a multi-sectoral collaborative approach involving government security infrastructure and interfaith organisations.

The taskforce’s findings highlight the critical role of religious organisations in Kenya’s socio-economic development, particularly in underserved communities.

However, the lack of a uniform regulatory framework has led to instances of exploitation and harm, such as the recent Shakahola Tragedy.

The proposed standards and certification requirements are seen as a necessary step towards preventing such abuses and ensuring that religious organisations operate transparently and responsibly…CONTINUE READING>>

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