The decision by President William Ruto to dismiss his entire Cabinet and assign interim responsibilities to Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi is a bold move that signals his intention to revamp his administration.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

By gazetting the Cabinet vacancies, the President has paved the way for appointing a new team of leaders who can help steer the country forward.

While it is the President’s prerogative to name his Cabinet, we believe he must make these crucial appointments with a sense of urgency.

The country is facing a multitude of challenges, from a struggling economy to pressing social issues, and weekly demonstrations.

The individuals that President Ruto selects for his new Cabinet must be qualified, competent and have a proven track record of success.

They should possess the necessary expertise, experience and vision to tackle the pressing problems facing the nation.

It is not enough to simply appoint loyalists or political allies; the President must prioritise merit and the ability to deliver tangible results.

The country needs a cohesive and effective team of leaders who can work together to address the challenges and capitalise on the opportunities before us.

The clock is ticking and the President must seize this moment to assemble a Cabinet that can truly move Kenya forward…CONTINUE READING>>

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