President William Ruto’s German trip where he has been invited to attend the Annual Citizens Festival by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier kicked off on a high note as he secured and witnessed the signing of a deal with the Hamburg government that will see German companies recruit Kenyan talent to take up digital jobs.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Speaking during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Berlin, President Ruto hailed the deal as a win-win for both countries with Germany looking to tap into Kenya’s massive talent pool as the European country continues to struggle with an aging population.

In his speech, President Ruto continued to market Kenya as the preferred choice for big companies sourcing for quality talent.

During the forum, an official working for a German Company operating in Kenya hailed the deal as important for both nations. “Thank you Mr.President for taking the initiative to get young people at-home jobs. We are happy to contribute to the crisis in both our countries as solution providers.”

Kenya’s Ambassador to Germany Stella Orina said Kenya was invited to the Annual Citizens Festival as this year’s profile partner country, the first non-European country to get this honour.

“With a diverse audience, including business leaders and investors, the German Citizens’ Festival offers a unique opportunity for Kenya to highlight its economic potential, investment opportunities, and market stability,” Orina stated.

She pointed out that President Ruto’s visit provides an opportunity to close a comprehensive Labour Mobility Agreement.

“The Kenya-Germany Agreement on Comprehensive Migration and Mobility Partnership has been concluded and is expected to be signed between Kenya’s Prime Cabinet Secretary and the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs Musalia Mudavadi and the German Minister of Interior.

“President Ruto and Mr Scholz will witness the signing,” she said. The agreement provides a framework for cooperation and information exchange on labour mobility, apprenticeships, student training, labour market needs, employment, the welfare of employees as well as readmission and return of employees.

Following the signing of the deal, Kenyans may receive a temporary residence permit for to study in Germany for up to two years. This could also be extended if the purpose for the residence has not been achieved but is achievable within a shorter period. Germany has committed to waive the requirement to achieve its labour requirements.

The two countries will also cooperate in vocational education and training, especially to support skills development and capacity-building in vocational education and training.

President William Ruto was escorted by Raila Odinga, who was a student in Germany during his undergraduate days. The President recalled the Former Prime Minister’s experience as proof of deep roots of Kenya’s relationship with Germany.

Ruto announced that in December, Kenya will host a bilateral Kenyan-German Summit to discuss opportunities. The forum will give the two countries an opportunity to harness opportunities in higher learning, people, investment, entrepreneurship, and trade.

Germany is co-hosting the Annual Citizen’s Festival in Berlin. The event will run from 13th to 14th September 2024. The theme for this year’s edition is, ‘Gemeinsam Starker” meaning ‘Stronger Together’ and ‘Pamoja’ in Kiswahili.

The Festival referred to as ‘Burgerfest’ is hosted by the German President every year to celebrate cultural diversity

Kenya’s relations with Germany date back to independence when Berlin acknowledged Kenya’s independence making Germany the first country in the world to do so….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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