There comes a time when all a mother thinks about is her children’s happiness and well-being. Ruth Moibei was at that point in her life, focused on her daughters’ success and future.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

She worked tirelessly to provide for them, ensuring they received the best education. Mercy, her older daughter, was in form three, and her younger daughter was in form two. Both were enrolled in boarding school.

In late January, Ruth’s world was turned upside down. Both daughters were unexpectedly sent back home.

Ruth was confused and worried, and the reason for their return was a devastating blow—they had both failed a pregnancy test.

Ruth was heartbroken. She had sacrificed so much to pay their school fees, prioritizing their education over her own needs.

Desperate to understand what had happened, Ruth demanded answers from her daughters. Through a mix of questions and frustration, she learned the painful truth.

Their landlord, Peter Mwikali, had taken advantage of their innocence. He lured them with cheap snacks like chips, fried chicken, kebabs, and hot dogs. The thought of her daughters being manipulated and hurt filled Ruth with rage.

Determined to confront Peter, Ruth went to his house, her heart pounding with anger. When she accused him, Peter denied everything.

He claimed he didn’t know her daughters and swore on his faithfulness to his wife, quoting the Bible to assert his innocence. Ruth was stunned by his lies and audacity.

Peter shamelessly asked Ruth to leave and dared her to produce evidence. His arrogance only fueled Ruth’s anger.

Back home, she found her daughters traumatized and frightened. They were adamant that Peter was responsible, but without concrete evidence, it was their word against his. Ruth felt immense guilt for being so focused on earning money that she failed to protect her daughters from the predator living next door.

Determined to seek justice, Ruth decided to take action. She sent her daughters to stay with her aunt in Kajiado, away from the traumatic environment...CONTINUE READING>>

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