ODM leader Raila Odinga has called out the police for their extra-legal conduct during the recent anti-government protests.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

On August 8, the Kenyan youth reconvened in the Nairobi streets for the ‘Nane Nane’ march aimed at mounting pressure on President William Ruto to give up power.

The state law enforcers were captured roughing up protesters and manhandling journalists covering the events.

Raila issued a statement on Saturday, August 10, condemning the police for their supposed brutality.

He demanded accountability on their side, further calling for the release of the protesters who were arrested arbitrarily.

“I have been made aware of the events that transpired during the peaceful Nane nane protests. It is with deep concern that I learned of the arbitrary arrests, detentions, and excessive use of force by the police, which led to the harassment of peaceful protesters and journalists, including a member of the international press, Larry Madowo of CNN,” Raila stated.

He maintained that he is still pro-people in his political undertakings, seeming to dismiss the belief he had crossed to the government’s fold.

“I want to make it clear that I stand with the people in their quest for justice, freedom, and the full realization of their rights. I strongly condemn the police’s actions yesterday and call upon the relevant authorities to respect the constitutional rights of all Kenyans. I also urge the immediate release of those who were unjustly detained and a thorough investigation into the officers’ misconduct,” he said...CONTINUE READING>>

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