President William Ruto has appointed selection panels to recruit new commissioners for various constitutional commissions and independent offices.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

These include the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) also known as the Office of the Ombudsman, the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC), and the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA).

According to a statement issued by the Head of Public Service Felix Koskei, the selection panels facilitate the recruitment of new commissioners who will replace the current Chairpersons and members to the commissions and offices whose terms are set lapse.

The selection panel set to recruit the SRC comprises of Joshua Wambua, Patrick Mtange, Monica Sifuna, Quresha Abdullahi, Amos Gathecha, Mary Kimonye, Lawrence Kibet, and Samuel Kaumba.

The selection panel members for the commission on Administrative justice are Edwin Makori, Zena Jalenga, Jasper Mbiuki, Susan Chelagat, Patrick Wamoto, and Joan Machayo.

The eight-member selection panel for the national gender and equality commission comprises of Florence Nyole, Timothy Odongo, Lerina Kariringah, Dr Linda Musumba, Janet Kung’u, Maimuna Mwidau, Reuben Chirchir, and Mary Mwiadi.

A six-member selection panel that will recruit the new chairperson and members of the independent policing oversight authority comprises of Arthur Osiya, retired Justice Msagha Mbogholi, Joyce Nyabuti, Raymond Nyeris, and Caroline Naikena Lentupuru.

Other nominated members of the selection panels include the Executive office of the President, office of the Attorney General, and the Judicial Service Commission….CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLE>>>

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