Drama ensued on Wednesday evening as police broke into activist and national Chairperson of the Communist Party of Kenya Booker Omole’s home days after his dramatic ejection from a plane at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport(JKIA), on September 9, 2024.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to the activist, while speaking after reporting at the Central Police Station, the police were only out to harass him based on his political views and due to the fact that he was an activist.

‘’As I was inside the police station today, I got information that another delegation of the security forces was in my house breaking into it,’’ Omole told journalists.

He revealed that the police forced him and his defense to go to the police regional headquarters to discuss the happenings which to him he saw as illegalities perpetrated against him.

Omole maintained that he was not ready to give up on his quest to speak against injustice in the country.

‘’We want to say that as Communist Party of Kenya, we will not give up to this state intimidation, after all this state is spending so much resources chasing after revolutionists and activists while leaving criminals to run away without facing justice,’’ he maintained.

His lawyers challenged the President to ensure that he stops the abductions and intimidations geared at activists in the country maintaining that they are tactics meant to sell fear to active citizens.

According to media reports, Omole was ejected from the plane as he prepared to travel to China before allegedly being detained by the police.

The reports added that he was dragged off the plane and his travel documents confiscated before being directed to appear before the Directorate of Criminal Investigations(DCI) officers on September 9.

‘’I was hounded like a criminal before being ejected by the police when I was supposed to travel to Beijing,’’ Omole told the media.

‘’The police who I could not be able to see dragged me into a cell inside JKIA, and later brought me into Central Police Station before confiscating all my travel documents,’’ he recounted.

The happenings rescinds memories of when the police forced activist and lawyer Miguna Miguna on a plane to Canada, after the government declared his citizenship illegal, following a morning raid on his home in Nairobi in February 2018….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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