A 25-year-old man who stopped growing at the age of 5 has captured the attention of many due to his rare medical challenges.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The man whose name is Ravi Kumar was reportedly diagnosed with Dwarfism at a tender age, has faced significant challenges throughout his life, with his growth ceasing at a mere 24 inches tall and weighing just 15.4 pounds (7 kg).

Dwarfism, a condition characterized by unusually small stature, has cast a shadow over Ravi’s life, hindering his growth and mobility.

Photo of 25-year-old man who stopped growing in height at age 5 goes viral

For years, he has been reliant on his devoted mother, who carries him around on her hips.

Adding to Ravi’s medical woes is the diagnosis of Thyroid disease, a condition that further complicates his already fragile health….CONTINUE READING>>

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