Over 2,000 Njuri Ncheke elders have broken ranks with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and endorsed Interior Cabinet Secretary  Kithure Kindiki as their link to President William Ruto.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The elders drawn from Meru and Tharaka declared their allegiance to Kindiki stating that he will henceforth represent their interests.500 elders drawn from Embu, Meru, and Tharaka Nithi Counties last week endorsed Kindiki as their link with President Ruto.

“To ensure we remain focused on development, we endorse Prof. Kithure Kindiki, to be the link between our region, the President, and his government.

We believe his national stature will help foster good relations with other regions, “said the group’s chairperson Nderanwa.Before that, Forty-eight Members of Parliament drawn from the Mt Kenya region and its ‘diaspora ’declared Kithure Kindiki their leader in a move that is likely to raise political temperatures in the vote-rich mountain.This followed another 21 MPs endorsing Kindiki, sidelining DP Gachagua.

The lawmakers expressed frustration over the lack of a clear focal point to channel their developmental concerns and priorities to the national government.

The caucus declared Kindiki as its link with President William Ruto’s administration in an apparent coup against Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua who has been working to consolidate the region behind himThey argued that the absence of a centralized representative had hindered efforts to advance the region’s agenda.

“Given the prevailing state of affairs and the urgency of the mission ahead, there is need to have a link that will create a nexus between us and the National Executive on matters development,” the MPs said in a joint statement.

“Accordingly, we, as the elected leaders from this region and its Diaspora on our own behalf and that of our people, unanimously resolve that our link to the National Government be the Cabinet Secretary for the Interior and National Administration Prof. Kithure Kindiki, whose responsibilities includes the coordination of National Government functions across Country.”

The legislators also announced the formation of a coordinating committee to act as a bridge between the region’s MPs and the national executive.

The committee will focus on advancing a legislative and development agenda tailored to the needs of the region and its diaspora implied to mean elecoral units outside geographical boundaries of the region but where the region holds significant influence.

While reaffirming their support for the Kenya Kwanza government, the MPs declared their “irrevocable faith in the unity and indivisibility of our region and the nation of Kenya…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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