In 2019, then-U.S. President Donald Trump announced that a successful airstrike had eliminated Hamza bin Laden, but no DNA evidence was collected to verify his death.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Hamza bin Laden, the son of Al-Qaeda founder and 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, who was presumed dead in 2019, is actually alive and has taken over the leadership of al-Qaeda, recent intelligence reports suggest.

A report seen by The Mirror says: “Hamza bin Laden is not only alive but actively involved in al-Qaeda’s resurgence, a fact well-known among senior Taliban leaders.

These leaders… engage with him, holding regular meetings and securing him and his family. It highlights a deep connection between al-Qaeda and the Taliban, one that is crucial for Western governments to understand. [Hamza] has ascended to the leadership of al-Qaeda, steering [it] towards its most potent resurgence since the Iraq War.”

Hamza bin Laden, who was once considered the “crown prince of terror,” is reportedly leading Al-Qaeda, overseeing its revival and strategic planning for future attacks, primarily targeting Western nations.

Senior Taliban leaders are allegedly aware of his activities and are offering protection and support. This includes providing sanctuary to Hamza and his family, with some reports indicating his location in Jalalabad, a hub for extremist activity in Afghanistan.

Hamza is said to be operating out of the Dara Abdullah Khel district in Panjshir, a strategic area where he is reportedly protected by 450 snipers. His presence is part of a broader resurgence of Al-Qaeda in the region.

There are claims that 10 major Al-Qaeda training camps have been established in Afghanistan, along with the presence of up to 21 terror networks. These camps are reportedly training fighters and suicide bombers, some of whom are expected to conduct attacks beyond Afghanistan’s borders.

As par a National Mobilisation Front (NMF) report, The anti-Taliban alliance, NMF, has corroborated this intelligence, warning that Afghanistan, under Taliban rule since 2021, has become a global hub for terrorist operations. NMF notes that Afghanistan now serves as a training center for various terror groups, which poses a heightened threat to global security.

The Mirror report says that Taliban and AQ’s training camps teach that martyrdom is the highest achievement which motivates “many recruits to volunteer for suicide operations”.

10 major al-Qaeda terror training camps have been established in Afghanistan, it is claimed. Another report says the camps train fighters and suicide bombers, and teach them how to slip out of Afghanistan to launch threats against Western targets.

Approximately 21 terror networks are currently thought to be operating within the Taliban-controlled state, raising concerns about the possibility of another attack similar to 9/11. It is also believed that Hamza, who is thought to be in his 30s, has received backing from Afghan warlord Sirajuddin Haqqani.

In 2019, then-U.S. President Donald Trump announced that a successful airstrike had eliminated Hamza bin Laden, but no DNA evidence was collected to verify his death. The operation was reportedly conducted in the Afghanistan-Pakistan region, though specific details remain murky. Before the airstrike, Hamza and his family had taken refuge in Iran, where they were believed to be under house arrest for a period.

“The loss of Hamza bin Ladin not only deprives al-Qa’ida of important leadership skills and the symbolic connection to his father, but undermines important operational activities of the group,” Trump had said.

Hamza’s leadership could attract new recruits, particularly as Taliban-Al-Qaeda ties strengthen. The presence of numerous terror training camps in Afghanistan underscores how the country has once again become a base for terrorist operations after the Taliban’s return to power in 2021.

The suicide bombing training camps mentioned in the reports indicate a growing focus on martyrdom as a central element of the group’s ideology, reminiscent of tactics employed during Al-Qaeda’s most active years….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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