Onyonka said that if there is any agreement for Raila to work with President William Ruto, the agreement is only between the two of them.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He insisted that the former Prime Minister has not communicated to members of the Orange party any working arrangement with the government.

Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka speaking during the impeachment hearing of ousted Kisii deputy Governor Robert Monda on March 14, 2024.

Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka now says that ODM leader Raila Odinga has not asked members of his party to work with the Kenya Kwanza government.

Speaking on Thursday, Onyonka said that if there is any agreement for Raila to work with President William Ruto, the agreement is only between the two of them.

He insisted that the former Prime Minister has not communicated to members of the Orange party any working arrangement with the government.

The Kisii senator added that as an opposition party, they will continue to play their oversight role.

“My party leader held talks with Ruto and promised to help him. He did not come to the party and tell us to help the government. We will continue with our oversight role unless things change,” Onyonka said.

His remarks come amid concerns that ODM is working with the Kenya Kwanza administration and it might fail to play its opposition job.

This followed its leader, Raila Odinga’s working arrangement with President Ruto. The arrangement saw at least five members of the ODM party in the new Cabinet.

According to Onyonka, he has informed members of the Orange party who joined the cabinet that if they don’t change current policies to ones that favour and work for the people of Kenya, the party will continue doing its oversight role.

His remarks come even as the ODM party insists that those members who joined the Cabinet did so, in their capacities.

They include Hassan Joho (Mining), Wycliffe Oparanya (Cooperatives), John Mbadi (Treasury), Opiyo Wandayi (Energy) and Beatrice Askul (ASAL and Regional Development). According to Raila, however, President Ruto reached out to him for help during the Gen Z protests and he decided to help.

The help was by having capable members of the Opposition party he believed could help grow the country….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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