The ODM party has suggested changes in Azimio La Umoja Coalition’s leadership in the National Assembly. This came a week after the nomination of top ODM officials into the Cabinet.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Opiyo Wandayi, who was ODM’s secretary of political affairs, the leader of the minority in parliament, and the MP for Ugunja MP, was nominated to the Energy Ministry by President William Ruto.

By virtue of sitting in the National Executive, the Cabinet nominee was to give up the positions he held both in the party and the National Assembly.

On Wednesday, July 31, the ODM Central Management Committee chaired by party leader Raila Odinga met, during which Wandayi’s resignation was received and his replacement named immediately.

Suna East MP Junet Mohamed was proposed as the new minority leader, overseeing the business of the opposition in the National Assembly.

Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo was proposed to take over the role of the minority whip. Also to give up his position in the National Assembly was nominated MP John Mbadi, who Ruto proposed as the National Treasury Cabinet Secretary.

Until his call-up to the National Executive, Mbadi was the chairman of the House’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC). Proposed to take over PAC after Mbadi was Saboti MP Caleb Amisi, who would be deputised by Funyula MP Oundo Mudenyo.

The foregoing nominations will be ratified in the Azimio La Umoja Parliamentary Group (PG) meeting. However, the party did not announce the immediate replacement in the deputy party leader position previously held by former governors Wycliffe Oparanya (Kakamega) and Hassan Joho (Mombasa).

The duo was called up to the Cabinet; Oparanya would be the CS for Co-operatives and MSME Development, and Joho the CS for Mining and Blue Economy. Oparanya and Joho joined Mbadi and Wandayi in handing in their destination from the positions.

Also to resign from her post in the party was Beatrice Askul, who served in the national elections coordinating committee, which replaced the defunct National Elections Board (NEB), also resigned.

Ruto nominated her to be the Cabinet Secretary of East African Community Affairs (EAC) and Regional Development.

“I confirm that I have received the resignations of John Mbadi as national chairperson, Opiyo Wandayi as Secretary for Political Affairs, Wycliffe Oparanya and Hassan Joho as Deputy Party Leaders, and Beatrice Askul Moe as a member of the Party Elections Committee,” said ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna.

The former prime minister sent a statement in which he first conveyed the message of goodwill to the nominated group. But he clarified that the nominations did not imply ODM joining the government or there being a power-sharing deal. He said ODM and other outfits in Azimio would continue with the role of oversight of the Executive…CONTINUE READING>>

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