It seems the idea of a broad-based government conceived by President William Ruto and opposition chief Raila Odinga might settle the traditional political animosity the president has been treated with in various parts of the country.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The new dispensation seems to endear Ruto to Raila’s base as the latter’s diehard supporters embrace him (Ruto) amongst themselves.

Alego Usonga MP Samuel Atandi says the president had never committed any wrong during the times he was strongly opposed in Luo Nyanza.

According to the lawmaker elected on an ODM ticket, Ruto’s only blunder was sidelining the natives of the region from the government.

“Ruto was bad because he did not include our people in his government. That is the reason we kept opposing him strongly. But currently, he put our fellows in the National Executive, so we cannot oppose him. Can you oppose a government where Opiyo Wandayi is in charge? Isn’t that impossible? That is why, at the moment, we are supporting Ruto,” said Atandi, who was addressing a roadside rally.

Raila had five of his allies in ODM getting Cabinet slots in the government.

The former duo of deputy party leaders, Hassan Joho and Wycliffe Oparanya, were nominated to the Mining and Co-operatives dockets, respectively.

Former ODM national chairman John Mbadi was entrusted with the National Treasury Ministry, Opiyo Wandayi, National Assembly minority leader and ODM’s secretary of political affairs, was nominated as the Energy and Petroleum CS, with Beatrice Askul, a member of ODM’s elections committee, getting the East African Community docket.

Despite the changes in the National Executive, Raila maintained that he is not in government and does not intend to get in…CONTINUE READING>>

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