Siaya Senator Dr Oburu Oginga has expressed concern that the ongoing calls for President William Ruto’s resignation could trigger a resurgence of unconstitutional changes of government and plunge the country into unprecedented instability.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He said that the clamour for the rejection of the oppressive Finance Bill, 2024 was taking a turn for the worse, threatening the very foundations and democratic principles of the country.

Citing the Constitution, Dr Oginga pointed out that the resignation of President Ruto will automatically elevate
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to the presidency.

While he criticised President Ruto for not listening to the views of Kenyans, he described DP Gachagua as the “worst” leader who may plunge the country into further abyss.

“While they are all bad leaders, Gachagua is unapologetically shameless and has publicly declared the country a shareholding entity,” he said during a press conference in Kisumu on Sunday, July 14, 2024.

In a country that nearly voted 50-50 per cent in favour of President Ruto and Azimio leader Raila Odinga, Dr Oburu noted that it would be suicidal to elevate Mr Gachagua to the country’s top seat.

“This has seen the Kenya Kwanza leadership making skewed appointments that majorly considered members of two dominant communities for top State jobs while other Kenyans were pushed to the periphery,” he said.

The elder brother of ODM leader Raila Odinga noted that the country is caught between a rock and a hard place and urged Kenyans to engage soberly and steer the country out of the current quagmire that is testing the peace and unity of this country.

If the Gen Z protesters succeed in toppling the government, Dr Oginga warned that the country risks being taken over by the military.

“While popular uprisings are legitimate and people-led, success is often determined by the decisions taken by the military,” he said.

Like Egypt, Chad, Mali, Guinea, Gabon, Sudan and Niger, he warned that the move would return the country to dictatorship and erode the democratic rights Kenyans currently enjoy.

For the sake of the country, the Siaya senator urged leaders not to make political capital out of the current situation and instead offer guidance.

“This is a very fluid situation and leadership must be provided. Stop riding on the backs of Gen Zs and chorusing, but provide guidance to the younger generation of Kenyans,” he said.

As ODM, he said they were ready to engage in national dialogue and support President Ruto’s plan for a broad-based political arrangement that could see opposition figures join the Kenya Kwanza administration.

Under the arrangement, which is yet to be formalised, Dr Oginga said the opposition will also push for the implementation of critical policies it has promised Kenyans ahead of the 2022 General Election.

He noted that the move will ensure stability for the remaining three years as the country plans for the next elections in 2027.

“We are trying to bring other members of the Azimio coalition on board to ensure an inclusive Kenya,” he said.

The Siaya lawmaker, however, urged the youth to fully participate in the next elections and elect good leaders in 2027…CONTINUE READING>>

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