Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo yesterday survived an impeachment motion for the second time after members of the county Assembly failed to meet the two thirds threshold in a bid to impeach him.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

22 MCAs voted to have him impeached against 12 opposed to the motion and in essence, making it fall short of one vote to have Nyaribo sent packing .

Announcing the outcome of the vote, Nyamira county Assembly speaker Enock Okero said the motion flopped and collapsed on the floor of the house because it failed to raise twenty three votes out of a total of thirty four MCAs in the house as required by the law.

In October last year ,Nyaribo narrowly escaped the first impeachment motion when an attempt to remove him from office fell short of the required two thirds majority .

Sixteen members of the county Assembly had then supported it while eighteen had opposed it in a motion then moved by Esise award MCA Joshia Mangera.

In the first impeachment motion, Nyaribo had been accused off nepotism, favouritism ,illegal staff recruitment and failure to remit statutory dues. Yesterday’s impeachment motion was moved by Wiper nominated MCA, Evans Juma Matunda and seconded by Magombo MCA Miinda Riechi.

Matunda had wanted the governor removed from office on grounds of among other issues, violation of rights of people living with disabilities ,over employment without a budget ,illegal recruitment of the county staff ,denying students whose parents cast their votes in the last general election outside the county from accessing bursaries .

On ground one, the governor was accused of gross violation of the constitution of Kenya 2010, the County Government Act, 2012,the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2015 and the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 by the following actions, errors and/or omissions.

On the illegal recruitment of the county staff he accused the governor of supervising the recruitment and appointment of Godfrey Kiriago Nyangau and Ms. Elmelda Kemunto Nyaberi to the position of Director of Human Resource Management and Human Resource Officer respectively by way of cherry-picking, a process that was devoid of competitiveness.

He also accused him of single handedly instructing or colluding with the chairperson of the County Public Service Board to issue letters of appointment to the two officers against the law and without the knowledge of the CEO Nyamira County Public Service Board.

He also accused the governor of disobeying court orders that nullified the appointment of Godfrey Kiriago and Ms. Elmelda Nyaberi in Environment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC) petition No. E047 of 2021 delivered by Justice Christine N. Baari on December 16, 2021.

Nyaribo who was represented by Jacob Ngwele and Julius Anyoka dismissed the allegations saying they lacked merit and evidence to have him impeached .

Ngwele argued that the governor was not in charge of employment in the county but the county public service board and question why his name could be dragged into the matter…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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