Nairobi County Governor Johnson Sakaja has broken his silence moments after he received a hostile reception at Toi Market in Kibra Sub-County.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Sakaja had on Saturday, August 3, 2024, visited the market after a fire in the wee hours consumed property of unknown value, and claimed four lives.

However, Sakaja was forced to flee after angry residents pelted him with stones after they were unsatisfied with the way his administration responded to the fire.

Taking to his official X account after his Kibra tour, Sakaja said that there is nothing that is going to stop him from helping the victims.

He stated that over the last night, seven different fires had been witnessed in Nairobi.

Sakaja’s promise

Sakaja promised to support the families of those who lost their loved ones in the Toi Market inferno and pledged to help the traders rebuild their stalls and get back on their feet.

“Visited traders affected by fire incidents at Toi Market and later at Umoja 2. Poleni sana to all affected and condolences to the bereaved. Sadly, we lost 4 souls in the Toi inferno. We will support their families during this trying time. For the traders, we will rebuild and help you get back to your feet,” Sakaja stated.

Sakaja blamed unnamed people for the incitement that saw him receive a hostile reception at Toi Market.

“Thanks to the first responders and all who tried to help salvage the situation. We had a total of 7 fires across the city last night, and all affected will get support. For those who caused incitement, it is well, nothing will stop us from supporting our people,” Sakaja stated in a statement shared via his official X account...CONTINUE READING>>

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