I’m about to share something I’ve never revealed before. I’m currently in my late twenties and ever since I was a kid I have been able to see a part of human being that others can’t.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

When I look at a person, I don’t just see the physical body but I also see an extra layer of what looks like thin coloured smoke. I can’t feel the smoke but I can see it. When I come close to the person it appears like a hologram of sorts.

The colour of the smoke depends on the individual. But for most people it’s a light orange smoke. I’ve seen very few people with black smoke and even fewer people with white smoke.

However there are people that don’t have this smoke. All I see is a body and nothing else. I have now come to theorize that these group of people aren’t humans, or have no soul; human or otherwise.

I can also detect this colored smoke on photos and videos taken on newer cameras and phones like Android and iPhones. I don’t see this colored smoke when I look at pictures I took with my blackberry, symbian and older Nokia phones

I can’t detect this colored smoke in people in old movies but I can see in on people in recent movies and on current television.

Also when I come in physical contact with the people that don’t have this colored smoke I feel an instant sharp coldness that lasts a second; like when you touch iceblock and immediatelyremove your hand. I always avoid these people.

Feel free to ask me any questions, and you can also show me a picture of a person and I can tell you what color of smoke I see on them and if I don’t see any smoke on them I’ll tell you…CONTINUE READING>>

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