According to Al Jazeera, In response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to the U.S. Congress, a senior Hamas official has accused the Israeli leader of not genuinely seeking a ceasefire agreement in Gaza.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“Netanyahu’s speech was full of lies and it will not succeed in covering up for the failure and defeat in the face of the resistance, [nor will it] cover up for the crimes of the war of genocide his army is committing against the people of Gaza,” said Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas senior official, in an interview with Reuters.

Netanyahu’s speech comes at a critical juncture in the negotiations over a ceasefire deal and the release of hostages held in Gaza. However, the Israeli prime minister’s remarks suggest a lack of urgency in resolving the ongoing conflict.

Families of Israeli hostages, who were expecting Netanyahu to announce a ceasefire deal during his address, expressed disappointment and uncertainty about the prime minister’s priorities.

“We would all have preferred him to close negotiations and make that the top priority,” said Efrat Moshkoviz, the aunt of Naama Levy, an Israeli hostage held in Gaza.

The speech has also drawn criticism from some Democratic lawmakers, who boycotted the address as a form of protest against Israel’s military actions in Gaza and the resulting humanitarian crisis.

As the negotiations continue, the fate of the hostages and the prospects for a lasting ceasefire remain uncertain, with both sides accusing the other of lacking sincerity in their efforts to end the conflict…CONTINUE READING>>

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