Natural fertilizers are a great way to enhance the growth and yield of crops without harming the environment. They are an excellent alternative to synthetic fertilizers that can cause soil degradation and contamination of water sources. Natural fertilizers are also cheaper and readily available. Here are six natural fertilizers that you can use on your crops.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

1. Compost.

Compost is made by decomposing organic waste such as kitchen scraps, leaves, and grass clippings. It is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for plant growth.

Compost also improves soil structure and water retention capacity, making it an ideal natural fertilizer. You can make compost at home using a compost bin or purchase it from a local supplier.

2. Manure.

Animal manure is an excellent source of organic matter and nutrients for crops. It contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for plant growth. However, not all manure is created equal.

Some types of manure, such as chicken and horse manure, are higher in nitrogen than others. It’s essential to use manure that has been properly aged or composted to avoid burning the crops with high nitrogen levels. Also, be sure to source the manure from a reliable and organic source.

3. Bone Meal.

Bone meal is a by-product of the meat industry and is an excellent source of phosphorus and calcium for plants. It is made by grinding animal bones into a fine powder, making it a slow-release fertilizer. Bone meal is ideal for fruit and vegetable crops that require high levels of phosphorus, such as tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes.

4. Fish Emulsion.

Fish emulsion is made from fish waste, and it’s an excellent source of nitrogen and trace minerals for crops. It is fast-acting, making it an ideal fertilizer for quick-growing crops such as lettuce and spinach. Fish emulsion can be applied directly to the soil or as a foliar spray.

5. Green Manure.

Green manure is made by planting crops such as clover, peas, or beans, which are plowed back into the soil before they mature. Green manure adds organic matter to the soil, improves soil structure, and enhances soil fertility.

It also helps to suppress weeds and reduce erosion. Green manure is ideal for improving soil fertility in fallow fields or vegetable gardens.

6. Worm Castings.

Worm castings are the waste products of earthworms and are rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They also contain beneficial microorganisms that help to improve soil health.

Worm castings are a slow-release fertilizer, making them an ideal choice for long-term soil fertility. They can be applied directly to the soil or as a foliar spray.

In conclusion, natural fertilizers are an excellent way to enhance the growth and yield of crops without harming the environment. Compost, manure, bone meal, fish emulsion, green manure, and worm castings are some of the natural fertilizers that you can use on your crops. Using natural fertilizers not only improves soil fertility but also reduces the environmental impact of agriculture…CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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