In a rapidly evolving world, where technology continues to permeate every aspect of life, the restaurant industry is not being left behind.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The latest trend in dining experiences features the use of robots to serve customers, marking a significant shift in how we think about service in hospitality.

These automated assistants, equipped with advanced technologies, are revolutionising the way food is delivered to tables, offering a glimpse into the future of dining.

One of the standout features of these robotic servers is their ability to handle orders with remarkable efficiency.

The robots are equipped with built-in trays designed to receive food orders directly from the kitchen staff.

Once loaded, the robot seamlessly navigates the bustling environment of the restaurant, making its way to the designated table where customers eagerly await their meals.

The process is fluid and swift, minimising the wait time and ensuring that food arrives hot and fresh.

The technology behind these robots is nothing short of impressive.

At the core of their operation is self-driving technology, a marvel of modern engineering.

These robots are powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that enhances their ability to avoid obstacles, a crucial feature in the dynamic and often crowded spaces of restaurants. Whether it’s maneuvering around tables, dodging chairs, or avoiding human traffic, the robots exhibit a level of precision and adaptability that ensures a smooth and uninterrupted service.

The integration of AI goes beyond just navigation. At a cafe in Nairobi, a pioneering establishment in the use of robotic servers, the robots are programmed to perform a variety of tasks that go beyond just serving food.

John Wangui, a manager at a Nairobi cafe that uses technology, shares his excitement about the capabilities of these machines.

“Right now, we have only programmed them to host, serve customers, attend birthdays, or whatever occasion that might be there. It will come and sing for you.”

“If it is your birthday, it will come and acknowledge that you have booked a reservation. It is amazing, it wowed us after learning what it can do. Basically, it incorporates AI and other systems to deliver,” Wangui explained.

Wangui’s remarks highlight the versatility of these robots. Not only are they capable of delivering food, but they also enhance the dining experience by providing personalized interactions.

For instance, if a customer has booked a table for a special occasion, the robot can recognize this and deliver a customized experience, whether it’s a birthday greeting or a special song…CONTINUE READING>>

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