Pastor Francis Wafula, a well-respected clergyman in Nairobi, had always been known for his fiery sermons and deep commitment to his congregation. However, his life took a dramatic turn when he placed a modest Bet of KES 100 on a sports Betting using predictions from an amazing prediction  platform called  SokaFans.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

To his amazement, he won a staggering KES 20 million Jackpot. The news spread like wildfire, shocking his congregants and the broader community.

The pastor, who had always preached about the virtues of hard work and faith, was now at the center of a different kind of sermon—one of unexpected fortune and life-changing decisions.What surprised everyone the most was Pastor Wafula’s next move.

Instead of investing in church activities or charitable endeavors, he decided to quit his pastoral duties and open two nightclubs. The announcement left his congregants in disbelief. The pastor who once guided them towards spiritual enlightenment was now urging them to find their way to heaven on their own.

His nightclubs, named “Heaven’s Gate” and “The Righteous Lounge,” became the talk of the town, attracting both curious onlookers and nightlife enthusiasts. Francis Wafula’s transformation from a man of the cloth to a businessman left many questioning his motives and the sincerity of his previous sermons...CONTINUE READING>>

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