I met my wife on a plane. We were both headed to Dubai. She was so beautiful, and she sat right next to me, so I believe it was fate. Everything happened fast. We got married one year later.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

My wife likes to party. She loves drinking. Her drinking even got worse after we got married because, trust me, if it was that bad when we were dating, I wouldn’t have married her.

I always told her to stop drinking too much because of her health, but she wouldn’t listen to me. The only time she didn’t drink was when she was pregnant, which was a struggle.

This is the reason why she stopped at two kids; she didn’t want to go through the pain of not drinking for nine months.

After our second baby was born, she became sick when the baby turned three. The doctor told her to stop drinking, saying her body was weakening by the day because of excessive alcohol. She didn’t listen and would sneak in some bottles. Now her kidneys have gone bad.

I was tested, and I was a match, but I said I couldn’t give her one of my kidneys because I want to be alive and well to take care of my kids in case anything happens.

What if the operation isn’t successful? Living on one kidney is a lot, based on everything I’ve read about it. I explained this to them, but they think I don’t love their daughter and said I am wicked for not giving her one of my kidneys…CONTINUE READING>>

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