Celestine is the husband to Flovia, and they have been married for 37 years. He claims that they got married in a wedding church, and for the first 20 years, they were living happily and were blessed with children.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He claims that one morning, his wife woke up complaining of body pain and took painkillers. In the evening, the pain became too much, so he took her to the hospital. After all the tests were done, they came out negative, and they had to return home.

Celestine says that the following day, he took his wife to a better and bigger hospital, but the results came out negative again. However, since her temperature was very high, they admitted her. Since he didn’t have all the money they needed, he sold everything he had, including his house, to pay the bills.

After a while, the doctors discharged her since they couldn’t find any disease in her, and all she did was scream the whole night and speak in tongues.

They went home, and due to her pain, she screamed so loudly that the neighbors in the rental houses packed all their belongings and left because they couldn’t sleep at night.

Celestine says that he vowed never to give up on his dying wife, and he takes care of her every need, which is not easy. He doesn’t sleep at night, watching over her.

He is now pleading with well-wishers to help him raise the money needed to take his wife to a better hospital so that she can receive proper treatment and end her pain…CONTINUE READING>>

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