I just realized I married an ugly woman. My wife used to be the hottest babe on our street, but she allowed herself to get fat after having two kids. I’ve always loved my women to be a size 8 or size 10.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

To me, a size 12 is fat, and now my wife is a size 16 going to size 18. Before my wife got pregnant, she was a perfect size 8, but after the birth of our son, I don’t know where the fat came from. She looks like she swallowed a whole human being. She’s always eating and chewing everything.

I used to be so in love with my wife’s body, but right now, I can’t even look at her when she’s naked because everywhere is folding.

I tried talking to her, but she doesn’t listen. I have even offered for us to register at a gym, but she said no. She keeps getting uglier before my eyes every day. Her hair is unkempt, and she ties wrappers around the house. Nothing is attractive to me anymore.

So please, should I leave her or get myself a side chick…CONTINUE READING>>

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