Some hours ago, in an interview a pastor who talked about what she went through at the hands of her husband, who was also a pastor. Her name is Pastor Doctor Margaret, who is a pastor and philanthropist. She was ordained as a pastor in 2012 and later opened her own school to help the less fortunate in society. She lost her parents 24 years ago and was raised by her aunt as an orphan.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

She excelled in school and after passing her exams, she attended a cooperative university and earned a degree in banking and finance. She became born again while in campus, and the Christian Union accepted her very well, which made her feel comfortable in church. After graduating, she was employed and that was when she joined a new church. The pastor immediately noticed her and always encouraged her to attend church regularly.

That’s when she met a man who was also a pastor, and she introduced him to everyone, including her family, within a short period of time. She met him in 2015, and they got married the same year. Everything moved very fast, and she didn’t anticipate the change from sweet memories to a painful marriage. After the wedding, she realized that the man had a very bad temper and wanted a child immediately. She had mixed reactions, and he would even threaten to leave her because they had no child together.

She would take loans for him in her name since she was working, but unfortunately, the husband could not pay them back. One day she asked him about the money, and he started strangling her, which made her realize that everything was becoming tough in the marriage. She got afraid and started questioning what kind of pastor he was. When she got pregnant, the husband never took care of her, and he had already rejected the child before it was even born. He only embraced the child when he was three weeks old because he realized the child looked exactly like him.

To make matters worse, the husband had another mistress who sent her photos of them together and screenshots of their conversations, which made her feel very bad. The husband claimed those photos were photoshopped, but she decided to do her own investigation. She realized the girl was a first-year student at the university and was also a member of the church choir. When the husband realized she knew everything, he became very violent and started beating her as a defensive mechanism. People were shocked to see pastors fighting, and they became confused.

She left the house immediately and reported the matter to the police, but later her uncle asked her to drop the case and leave the man alone. Her family and the church stood with her during the healing period. She went back to her job, but she wasn’t receiving any salary because the loan was too much. In 2017, she was chased out of the house since she couldn’t pay the rent, and a friend had to host her. She rebuilt her life from scratch, and today she is living her best life with her son…CONTINUE READING>>

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