A Lady has painfully narrated how her mother and sister rejected her and treated her badly just because she has two private parts.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to Her, she started noticing she was different from other girls when she was seven years old. When she asked her mom about it, her mom told her that God created her that way and she should not worry.

She says that after a year, her mother took her to the hospital. The doctor gave them an appointment and told them to come back when she turned into adolescence, but her mother never bothered to take her back.

She claims that at this time, some of her neighbors knew about her condition, and sometimes when her mother disagreed with them, they would tell her to first take her daughter to the hospital. This made her mother and sister hate and reject her, saying that she was making them a laughingstock in their village, which really broke her heart.

After she and her sister completed class eight, her mother took her sister to high school but never bothered to take Her. When she asked why, her mother told her that it was a waste of time and money since she would never help her or give her a grandson.

Her aunt, who was very close to her, offered to take her to school from form one to form four, despite many challenges with school fees. She thanked God she managed to finish form four.

She decided to run away from home because of the mistreatment from her mother and sister, who always abused her. She is now living with her best friend, who took her to an organization called Intersex Kenya, where she received counseling that helped her accept herself.

She has pleaded with well-wishers to help her raise 150k for an operation, as she can’t afford it since she doesn’t have a job. She also says that she has forgiven her mother and sister and would like to reconcile with them…CONTINUE READING>>

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