I’m a 22-year-old female, and by November this year, it will be two years since I’ve been with my boyfriend. When we started dating, it was everything I had prayed for in a man—everything I ever wanted. A few months into the relationship, I got pregnant. Although he doesn’t have money and isn’t financially buoyant, he wanted us to keep the baby.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He brought up the idea of keeping the baby, but I had concerns. I questioned if his father had a trust fund or if he could support us. However, my mom was strongly against having the baby. She said I needed to follow the normal path: graduate from school, get married, and then have a child, especially when my partner was financially struggling.

Since my mom made me abort the pregnancy, his father has been insisting that he doesn’t want us to be together. He keeps saying he doesn’t want to see me with his son. Although my boyfriend reassured me that we should wait, believing his father would eventually accept us, the situation hasn’t improved. He claimed that his father’s anger was due to the abortion, and this has been ongoing since April last year. Each time they discuss me, his father tells him not to mention my name again.

Now, my boyfriend is confused about what to do. Whenever I ask him about his father’s opinion, he says he doesn’t know. Recently, in February, he moved from Lagos to Ijebu and has been acting strangely. He always has an excuse not to text me, and when I inquire about his father, he blames the abortion, saying it’s my mom’s fault.

While my mom acted in my best interest, I’ve decided to leave him. I haven’t found another boyfriend yet, but that shouldn’t hold me back from leaving someone who is unsure about our relationship.

Am I really at fault? Here’s my take: Run from that relationship. It doesn’t make sense to have a child with a man who doesn’t have money when you’re also not working. Your mom made the right call, and she really loves you. So, thank her, gather your things, and move on….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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