Marriage is a legally recognized union between two individuals, typically based on mutual love and commitment, and often accompanied by a ceremony or celebration.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In a gripping narrative, a woman married according to customary traditions has opened the door to a complex legal battle that has kept two women entangled in court corridors for years.

Josephine Ndulu claims to be married to Angela Nyamai Munyao. However, Josephine has taken her ‘husband’ to court, accusing her of selling portions of family land without her involvement and denying her rightful share in their village.

“My life has turned into a nightmare after the disagreement with my husband,” she states in court documents. “I live in fear. I have nowhere to call home. A stranger has evicted me from my own land.”

She is suing Angela along with her daughter, Josephine Nthikwa Murimi, as well as Everlyne Kavete Kyule, Munini Munyao Kilonzo, Titus Muenge Kavoi, and Pius Kavita Kasyoki, who all own portions of the nine-acre matrimonial land.

There is no dispute that Angela has divided the family land among herself, Nthikwa, and Munini, who is recognized as Angela’s wife under customary law.

Others who acquired land portions include Everlyne, their neighbor, Kavita, and Titus, a land administrator who received a plot after providing professional services in certain land-related activities.

This case sheds light on a lesser-known cultural practice where a woman unable to bear children for specific reasons enters into an agreement with another woman who is expected to bear children on her behalf to perpetuate the family name.

Such women expected to bear children for the husband’s family name are known as “ìweto.” The court heard that in ìweto agreements, the husband often instructs the man to live with the wife. Josephine, a mother of five, says her marriage to Angela was good until 2015 when she discovered that her ‘husband’ had engaged in family land transactions behind her back…CONTINUE READING>>

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