Jane revealed how her husband requested her phone, and she innocently gave it to him and later regret her actions.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

She met her husband while in college and got married to him after her education. She secured a job as a teacher and later gave birth to their firstborn.

According to her, her marriage had ups and downs, and she had gone back to her parents’ home several times. One Sunday evening, her husband requested her to hand over her phone to him. She innocently did so.

He went outside and stayed for a long time without returning. At around 3 am, her husband woke her up and asked her to go outside. She heard the commotion, and when she went outside, she saw her colleague.

He was oozing blood, and his face had swollen. He tried to beg her to tell her husband that they don’t have an affair and should let him go. She asked him to let him go because he was just a colleague and had nothing going on between them.

Her husband later showed her the message he sent to her colleague pretending to be her. He chat her colleague and ask if he would love to have sex with her and her colleague respond with ” YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY “.

So her husband requested her colleague to come over to her house so they can have fun, where he was beaten up. The following day, she left her house and decided never to return since she realized the man was capable of hurting her too…CONTINUE READING>>

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