My husband sexually abused our three daughters, impregnated them several times, and then he aborted it. I will say that as a mother, I failed my children. I failed my generation because my daughters kept coming to me to tell me that my husband, their father, was touching them, and I kept putting it off.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Whether I am in any way responsible, I do not know. I don’t even want to believe that I am because I think I’m the most stupid woman. My husband went to Europe, spent some time there, and then settled down and brought me over with our three daughters. My eldest daughter was thirteen, my second was eleven, while the youngest was nine.

I wasn’t working; my husband was the one doing everything because he was still in the process of getting his papers. I put myself so much into church that every time I went, I did everything in the church and barely had time for my children.

I believed that by going to church and praying, our papers would come quicker. But I noticed that each time I wanted to go to church, especially for night vigil, my daughters wanted to follow me. I would tell them to stay at home. They would cry that they wanted to go with me, but I would feel that they didn’t want to give me a break.

They would be crying that they wanted to go with me, and I would feel that they didn’t want to give me a break. After about two years, my daughter said, “There is a way Daddy touches me.” Once she wanted to say it, I would give her a dirty slap and say, “You want to ruin my marriage?” I confronted my husband and said, “Can you imagine what this girl is saying?” Their father was like, “You know, these girls of nowadays, she is probably watching all these bad videos, and maybe that is influencing her actions.” I would just believe my husband, and this thing continued going on.

One day, as time went on and my children kept growing, my first daughter was 16. They left the house, got on the train, and went into another country. They spent some time there. I called them, and they said they were with their grandmother.

My grandmother was European, with my husband’s sister. These were the people that my children went to, but I realized that they went to tell them what was happening in our home. Then they told my children that they shouldn’t tell anybody, and if they did, their lives would end.

So my children came back, and the abuse continued. According to my children, they got pregnant. I didn’t even know. My husband would give them some pills, and I don’t even know where he got the pills.

I know he probably got it in Africa because in Europe they are not going to give him those pills. So, he kept giving them pills. To cut the long story short, my big daughter went to college and met this guy.

They did everything for marriage. This guy broke up with my daughter, and then I asked my daughter why. She said that the guy heard she was having an affair with her father, and that’s why he left her.

I was like, “What do you mean? Are you saying what you’ve been saying is true?” Then my daughter said, “You are the only one that doesn’t know about it. The neighbors know that my husband is sleeping with us.” I asked my husband, and he still denied it for a few months.

One of my friends died, and we went for the funeral. They were telling people who wanted to say one or two things to come and speak. My big daughter, who was 18, said she wanted to say something. She started to narrate everything—that my husband had been sleeping with her siblings. The police came, and I passed out. That was when the scales fell off my eyes.

I didn’t believe my daughter when she said she would die because that was exactly what my husband told her and her siblings. That was what my mother and sister told her—that if she ever told anybody, she would lose her last opportunity to live.

My daughter refused to forgive me, and I cannot forgive myself because I didn’t always look at my children and listen to them. If I had listened to my children, maybe things would be different. I really don’t know what to do…CONTINUE READING>>

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