In a recent development at the Grade A Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State, a man named Gbadebo has initiated divorce proceedings against his wife, Oyinlola, citing her challenging behavior as the primary reason.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The case, reported by Nigerian Tribune, unfolds with both parties presenting starkly different accounts of their troubled marriage.

Gbadebo, in his petition, portrays Oyinlola as a difficult person to coexist with, alleging her involvement in extra-marital affairs and engaging in peculiar practices.

He recounts a shocking incident where he discovered her with another man in their home, leading to a temporary separation.

Expressing his frustration, Gbadebo claims that he endured the tumultuous relationship for as long as he could, fearing for his well-being if he continues the marriage.

However, Oyinlola vehemently denies the accusations, counterclaiming that Gbadebo is cruel and physically abusive, especially during intimate moments. She alleges being forced out into the cold streets at night after such incidents and emphasizes Gbadebo’s negligence in fulfilling his roles as a father.

“I have suffered a lot in the hands of my husband. He has been unfair to me. I do not enjoy sex with my husband because he beats me every time he wants to sleep with me,” Oyinlola declares.

She further accuses Gbadebo of financial neglect, asserting that he fails to provide adequate support for their children’s well-being and education.

As the court proceedings unfold, both parties present their sides, painting a vivid picture of the challenging dynamics within their marriage.

The court president, Mrs. S.M Akintayo, adjourns the case, allowing for a thorough examination of the evidence presented and the potential resolution of this deeply-rooted marital dispute…CONTINUE READING>>

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