Cases of infidelity in marriages have increased, leading to family separation and divorce, Making the innocent children to suffer like the case of Regina....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Regina has faced many challenges in her life including being raped when she was a child. When she told her mother, she was not given the help and support she needed. This caused Regina to run away and live with her friends.

Eventually, she became a househelp and met a man who married her. They had three children together and were married for several years. One day, Regina left her children with her husband and went to visit her sick mother. When she returned, her children told her that her friend had slept in her bedroom.

Regina wanted to investigate the situation herself and did not confront her husband right away. Later, when her sister had a dowry payment ceremony, her husband said he could not attend and encouraged Regina’s family to stay as long as they wanted. After three days, Regina’s youngest child missed her father and they returned home.

When they arrived, Regina found her husband and her best friend sleeping naked in her bed. She left without saying a word and later decided to end the marriage.

Due to the pain and anger she felt, Regina met another man and spent a week with him in a hotel. When she returned home, her husband tried to attack her with a knife, but her children screamed and the neighbors intervened.

Regina now raises her children alone and has urged married people to be faithful to each other…CONTINUE READING>>

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