So for the record, I met my girlfriend my sophomore year through a student organization and mostly it has been great. We have dated ever since.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

It has been a good relationship though it is complicated because she is always stressed about her personal life. After moving to college town it turns out her family wanted her to spend extra time helping them with paperwork and stuff around their place, so she always has extra stuff to do.

I really don’t know what to make of it because though she is a great student, I am a full ride student because of my straight A’s so haven’t ever really had the same concerns as her. I have never been in a wreck. I have always taken care of my stuff, etc, etc.

It is just complicated because I want to sympathize with her though don’t have the same life obligations as she does. Sometimes I sit with her while she has task after task to take care of on her computer when I have absolutely nothing to do. I know the relationship is good and it is just normal stuff though still it is complicated.

I have no idea how to be there for her throughout this time or if she can just pay someone to do it all for her. It is like all of the time she has stuff to do. Compared to hers my life is easy.

Does anybody have any advice? I want to be there for her though it is complicated to say the correct thing to do throughout this time. Thanks for any information.…CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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