Maphorosa still remembers how the tragedy leading up to her sister’s untimely death happened. She had gone to fetch water with him. He was 16 then, energetic and mischievous. He knew her sister was a good swimmer. He pushed her into the river Tugela which happened to flow not far away from his native village in Kwa Zulu Natal, knowing that she could easily swim back out.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

He had done it before, no harm intended. Only this time, she couldn’t. She did try, but got carried away by the tides. He jumped in too, in a bid to rescue her but was overwhelmed by the fast flowing water. He barely made it out. Her sister was gone!! He screamed for help but by the time older guys came, it was too late.

Her lifeless body was found three days later floating. He was so devastated he left for Johannesburg to live with an uncle. Things went smoothly until last year when he started having nightmares. He would occasionally dream of being strangled by the neck. He would wake up, sweat all over. Other times, it would be one where he was drowning, in the same way his sister did, only this time he was the victim.

He couldn’t sleep. Then the haunting started. It progressively got worse until one evening he tried to commit suicide. He jumped in front of an incoming bus, but the driver was too alert for he hit the brakes just in time to just bump into him.

He was taken to a hospital and later a psychiatrist. He confessed to being haunted and recanted the story of his sister’s death. Two months went by but his situation worsened day by day. He looked dazed all day long, like one of those Walking Dead characters….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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