I am 25 years old, my eldest sibling is 35, and our youngest is 20. We just found out that our father is not our biological father. In fact, our biological father is our dad’s younger brother—our uncle.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

After our father came back from the hospital, we summoned the courage to ask him if he knew that we were not his biological children.

We didn’t want to ask our uncle directly. We decided that even if our father didn’t know about this, we would keep this information to ourselves. Nobody in the family would hear about it. No matter what, our father would always be our father.

To our greatest surprise, he was not shocked when we told him. Instead, he started crying and said he had been planning to tell us but didn’t know how. He shared that there was a time he called all of us to spend time with him and our mother with the purpose of telling us the truth, but they couldn’t find the courage to do it. They didn’t know how we would react.

He explained that five years after he and our mother got married, they were struggling to have children. They found out that he was impotent. In desperation, he asked his brother, our uncle, to get his wife pregnant for him. He wanted the children to be biologically related and within the family. It took him a month to convince both his brother and our mother. He made them swear that nobody would ever hear about it.

Our uncle also confirmed this story, saying the same thing. Despite the shocking revelation, we respect our uncle so much, and we are happy that our family remains united. My father and uncle even went to Mauritius together to celebrate…CONTINUE READING>>

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