My elder brother has always wanted to be rich at all costs, but I never thought he would take it so far as to use our mother for rituals. On a fateful Saturday morning, my mother slept and never woke up. It wasn’t like she was sick or anything. In fact, since I was born, my mother has never been admitted to the hospital.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Fast forward to four months after we buried my mother, my big brother made it big. He said his client, whom he had been talking to for two years, just called him out of the blue and gave him a huge amount of money.

We are three siblings, and the amount is so big that if we all start spending 500K each every day for the next five years, the money won’t finish. My brother doesn’t allow us to clean his room, so one day he went out, and I decided to clean his room just to surprise him.

Instead, I was the one who got surprised. The things I saw in his room shocked me: I saw a picture of our mother with a knife piercing through it. I was so shocked that I started shivering because my brother looks so calm, like someone who can’t hurt a fly. Seeing that he is the one who caused my mother’s death, I will never forgive him.

He is arranging my papers to travel to Canada to do my master’s, and he also opened a big supermarket for me and my other sister.

I know he did all this to elevate us from poverty, but our mother was not supposed to be the solution. Our mother suffered for us since our dad left us for another woman, and I’ve always wanted to give her a better life before she left this world. My brother cut her life short because of money. I don’t know what to do, and I haven’t told anybody this, not even my sister.

Please advise me on what to do because each time I sleep, I see my mother in my dreams saying I should tell the world the truth, but I am scared of what my brother might do to me. If he is capable of doing this to our mother, what more could he do to me? Should I expose the truth or keep living my life as if I saw nothing…CONTINUE READING>>

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