The 22-year-old woman claims a mutual friend spoke of her partner’s infidelity while on a group holiday and she’s since been struggling emotionally – especially because the friend passed away in March 2022. Detailing the situation on Reddit, the woman sought relationship advice and said her boyfriend has down following the death of his friend. ‘I hate myself because I get angry inside whenever he mentions her. I can’t express my jealousy because she’s dead anyway,’ she wrote.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This jealousy is eating me up. They totally had emotional sex because of her condition. I don’t even know who initiated it. It was probably something like how she didn’t want to die a virgin.

Hundreds offered words of advice, most of whom agreed there’s ‘no excuses’ for cheating on a partner. My boyfriend didn’t tell me that he had sex with his dying friend. We were together when it happened. He’s still depressed about her death. I feel jealous and I don’t know what to do,’ she began. I’m confident that he was never attracted to her. They never had a relationship beyond that. She did have a secret crush on him though. She was the little sister of their friend group. This incident happened late November or December 2021. ‘

My boyfriend and I had never even had sex all the way then. To clarify, he didn’t lose his virginity to her but she did lose her virginity to him.’

She described their relationship as ‘otherwise perfect’ and he has always been a ‘good boyfriend’ even at his lowest points. ‘We were also best friends before we ended up together. I think it’s unfair to be so black and white about this,’ she added. After reading the comments from other Redditors, the girlfriend confronted her boyfriend about his infidelity and shared a detailed update.

She said her boyfriend didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to breakup and now ‘disapproves’ of his own actions. ‘He didn’t want to hurt me (but he did anyway because he didn’t talk until now). The guilt is part of why his mental health is awful,’ she said. ‘My boyfriend said that if he could, he would’ve asked me for permission then. He would have respected my decision and wouldn’t have done it. Though a part of him would also feel guilty about not fulfilling his friend’s wish when she dies.

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The 22-year-old woman claims a mutual friend spoke of her partner’s infidelity while on a group holiday and she’s since been struggling emotionally – especially because the friend passed away in March 2022. Detailing the situation on Reddit, the woman sought relationship advice and said her boyfriend has down following the death of his friend. ‘I hate myself because I get angry inside whenever he mentions her. I can’t express my jealousy because she’s dead anyway,’ she wrote.

This jealousy is eating me up. They totally had emotional sex because of her condition. I don’t even know who initiated it. It was probably something like how she didn’t want to die a virgin.

Hundreds offered words of advice, most of whom agreed there’s ‘no excuses’ for cheating on a partner. My boyfriend didn’t tell me that he had sex with his dying friend. We were together when it happened. He’s still depressed about her death. I feel jealous and I don’t know what to do,’ she began. I’m confident that he was never attracted to her. They never had a relationship beyond that. She did have a secret crush on him though. She was the little sister of their friend group. This incident happened late November or December 2021. ‘

My boyfriend and I had never even had sex all the way then. To clarify, he didn’t lose his virginity to her but she did lose her virginity to him.’

She described their relationship as ‘otherwise perfect’ and he has always been a ‘good boyfriend’ even at his lowest points. ‘We were also best friends before we ended up together. I think it’s unfair to be so black and white about this,’ she added. After reading the comments from other Redditors, the girlfriend confronted her boyfriend about his infidelity and shared a detailed update.

She said her boyfriend didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to breakup and now ‘disapproves’ of his own actions. ‘He didn’t want to hurt me (but he did anyway because he didn’t talk until now). The guilt is part of why his mental health is awful,’ she said. ‘My boyfriend said that if he could, he would’ve asked me for permission then. He would have respected my decision and wouldn’t have done it. Though a part of him would also feel guilty about not fulfilling his friend’s wish when she dies…CONTINUE READING>>

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