Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba now says that impeached Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza would have survived, should there have been more elected women senators.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In a statement after the Senate upheld the impeachment, Orwoba told off those supporting Mwangaza’s removal.

“Defend the removal all you want, but that doesn’t change the Grounds for impeachment. The truth is, if there were more elected women Senators sitting in that chamber, the outcome would be different. That’s a fact! G7 is now G6… Congrats patriarchy,” she said.

The Senator insisted that politics is a game of numbers and that women in Kenya should join to be safe.

She said that as long as there are few women in leadership, patriarchy will never come to an end.

Orwoba said because of this, women will always have it rough.

“I keep shouting and I continue to shout about this: Women in Kenya need to join politics! This is a numbers game, as long as we have minimum elected women, the patriarchy will never end and women leaders will always have it rough and unfair! This is the cross we bear,” she said in another post on X.

Her remarks come after the Senate voted to uphold Mwangaza’s impeachment.

26 senators voted to uphold the first charge of gross violation of the constitution and other laws.

Some 14 senators abstained while four voted in her favour.

On the second charge of gross misconduct, 26 senators voted in favour of her impeachment, two against, while 14 others abstained.

27 senators upheld the charge of abuse of office, one voted against and 14 abstained.

Most of the senators who abstained are allied to the Opposition parties.

This was Mwangaza’s third impeachment to reach the Senate since she was elected into office in August 2022…CONTINUE READING>>

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