Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka on Saturday voiced strong criticism of President William Ruto, accusing him of prematurely initiating campaigns for the 2027 presidential elections.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Musyoka has affirmed his intention to challenge Ruto in the upcoming elections and emphasizes his commitment to leading the opposition within the Azimio coalition. Musyoka’s critique focuses particularly on Ruto’s strategic manoeuvring in Nyanza, facilitated by his renewed alliance with Raila Odinga.

The Wiper leader arguess that this partnership serves as a facade for early campaigning aimed at undermining the opposition. Expressing confidence in his coalition’s strength, Musyoka asserts that the Wiper Democratic Movement would be the opposition’s standard-bearer in 2027 within Azimio.

Musyoka accuses ODM of abandoning its opposition responsibilities, suggesting that the party has compromised its principles after entering government. Despite these claims of disunity, ODM Deputy Party Leader and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir maintains that his party remains firmly committed to the Azimio coalition.

Nassir’s statement aims to reaffirm ODM’s dedication to its original opposition role, even as some party members have reportedly accepted government positions.

Musyoka urges leaders like Nassir to adhere to their opposition roles and resist the allure of government appointments. He emphasizes that strong opposition is essential for holding the ruling Kenya Kwanza Government accountable and ensuring transparency.

The Wiper leader’s declarations are partly motivated by recent developments in opposition politics, particularly Raila Odinga’s pursuit of key positions in international governance, such as the African Union Commission Chairpersonship. Musyoka seeks to reassure Kenyans that his leadership of Azimio remains secure.

While speaking on Wednesday at TV47, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka affirmed that he has no intention of joining President William Ruto’s broad-based government. Musyoka stated that he was not approached during the formation of this unity government, attributing this to his well-known strong stance on the matter.

Musyoka expressed confidence that Kenyans now understand his leadership style and reiterated his commitment to remain in the opposition. He dismissed circulating social media claims about being offered a government position, emphasizing that such reports were false.

The Wiper leader also criticized the formation of the broad-based government, suggesting it contravened constitutional principles….CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLE>>>

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