The Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi (OPCS) and the e Ministry of Interior and National Administration under CS Kithure Kindiki will embark on a countrywide verification and validation of High Impact-selected National Government Projects and Programmes.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In a statement sent to the newsrooms on Monday, September 9, the verification exercise will start on Tuesday, September 10th, and end on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

“OPCS through the National Government Coordination Secretariat (NGCS), with the overarching mandate of coordination of National Government Operations, is working with National Government Administrative Officers (NGAO) in MINA to Coordinate this exercise as a Whole of Government Approach. They start the exercise with the two out of the eight Administrative Regions in the country,” read part of the statement.

The exercise will start in Eastern and Coast Regions before being cascaded to North Eastern, Nairobi, Central, Rift Valley, Nyanza, and Western regions.

According to the two offices, the main purpose of the 5-day exercise is to the status of the selected projects.

“The purpose of the exercise is to validate the status of the selected High Impact Projects and Programmes for the Financial Year 2023/2024, taking into consideration the information provided by the Ministries Departments and State Agencies (MDAs),” National Government Coordination Secretariat (NGCS) Communication Director Andrew Teyie stated.

The verification teams, who include the MDA’s Focal Persons will document issues and identify bottlenecks for better coordination of service delivery.

The government projects to be inspected include; Kenanie Leather Industrial Park in Machakos County, Expansion of acreage under Cotton Production from 26,000 acres to 200,000 acres and avail BT Cotton Seeds in Eastern and Coast regions, County Aggregation and Industrial Parks in all 47 Counties and Completion and Operationalization of SEZs.

The government will also inspect the Construction of 200,000 Affordable Housing Units Annually in Eastern and Coast regions among other projects….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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