If you grew up in the 90’s then you must know who Mr Lenny is. He made our childhood colourful thanks to his music prowess, behind the scenes he was however battling loss.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Lenny lost his elder sister to a brain aneurysm.

In an interview on Iko Nini podcast, he shared that he sister collapsed in town while out with friends.

“One day my sister was in town to meet up with her friends.After greeting a friend or two, she collapsed, she used to joke a lot so they thought she was joking.However, after realizing how serious it was, they took her to a hospital with CBD, Her situation was bad she was later transferred to another hospital.”

Lenny says the signs had been there but no one had thought it was something serious.

“She died in January, and in December she had organized a family get-together.

We went to Coast but throughout she was complaining about having headaches.

She would take painkillers but nothing helped.

When she was in hospital the headaches wouldn’t go away.

The doctor told us our sister had a brain aneurism, he told us it could be treated through an operation but the survival chances are 50/50.”

Mr Lenny’s late sister Essie

The family decided to take the risk and allow the operation

“There was no way of suppressing it unless through an operation.

When it was time for her to go to the theatre she started crying and bid us her goodbyes increase she never made it through.

At the time she had parted ways with her baby daddies and was living with our mum.

She requested us not to fight her baby daddy (we were not on good terms), and she also asked us to take care of her kids.

The operation was successful but the doctor asked us to give her a few days to regain consciousness.”

Lenny’s sister never came out of the coma as earlier predicted

“On the third day, she had not come out of her coma, there was no sign of life, and a week went by.

The doctor said they had to do another operation as there was a brain swelling.

Every day we would spend around 200K for being in the ICU.”

Even after the second operation, Mr. Lenny’s sister never recovered.

“At some point, the doctors told us her brain had died, he asked whether to switch off the machines or let her continue being on life support.

Eventually, we sat down as a family and agreed she be removed from life support.

It was a very sad moment for us.”

The family found out later that their daughter had developed high blood pressure after the birth of her second child.

Mr Lenny thanked Kenyans in and out Kenya for coming through for their family and helped clear the 3 million bill…CONTINUE READING>>

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