A mother who allegedly killed and buried her two children in a banana farm in Sibaik village in Bureti Constituency has been arrested. Brenda Cheptoo, along with a man suspected to be her romantic partner, was arrested while working at a bar in Litein and Kericho town by officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations after an extensive, week-long search.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“We have arrested the mother of the two children and a man believed to be her boyfriend. We are treating the two as key suspects in the murder as we continue with further investigations into the incident,” said Kericho county commander, Geoffrey Mayek, as Nation reported.

According to detectives, Cheptoo confessed that she murdered her children because they were hindering her from marrying her partner. Salim Kipkemoi, 6, and Sheila Chepkemoi, 8, were discovered wrapped in a blanket and buried in a shallow grave on Wednesday, July 17, two days after they went missing.

Dennis Kimutai, the children’s uncle, was in the process of constructing a fence around his farm when he noticed dogs digging a hole and pulling out a red blanket.

As he approached, he was struck by a strong odour. Upon closer inspection, he made the grim discovery of the mutilated bodies of the two missing children.

Kimutai promptly alerted local authorities, who then informed the police. A senior police officer revealed that they found a grave approximately one meter deep, where the children were buried. They suspected that their mother was heavily involved in their tragic deaths.

man was apprehended after he allegedly killed his one-year-old son following a break-up with his wife. According to authorities, the man had found a new lover whom he intended to marry but was not comfortable with the stepchild.

The suspect’s mother detailed how her son got access to the baby before being purportedly involved in the criminal act…CONTINUE READING>>

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