Morara Kebaso, a local content creator and businessman who has not only been imitating President William Ruto but also doing a spot check on some of the projects he (Ruto) has launched since he took office, is currently the talk of town.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Kebaso is on a countrywide sojourn, ‘exposing and laying bare what he calls a lie’ in most of the projects launched by the president, most of which he claims have either stalled or have never been started at all.

“Abagusii leaders were busy simping and praising Ruto like a Lord. This is Metembe – Marani – Kegogi – Nyaore Road. Launched in 2016 by Uhuru, Launched again juzi when Ruto came to Kisii. Those leaders should stop playing with our minds. Which development did the president bring to Kisii?” Kebaso quipped.

This triggered a response from State House Spokesperson Husein Mohamed, who went on an overdrive to discredit and dismiss Kebaso’s assertions, saying the road in question was actually under construction after it was stalled.

“The project was initially awarded on 11th May, 2016, and works commenced on 5th August, 2016, after its launch by President Uhuru Kenyatta. But the contract was mutually terminated on 16th May, 2023, due to the contractor’s non-performance. At the time of termination, the contractor had completed 27km, with 77 months having lapsed out of the 30-month contract period,” Husein clarified.

Husein added that the project was re-tendered and awarded on 14th March 2024, with works commencing on 22nd June 2024.

“President Ruto officially relaunched the newly awarded road contract, fulfilling his pledge to complete all stalled road projects,” he added.

But, most Kenyans who have been discrediting Ruto’s administration for what they say are blatant lies, dismissed Husein’s explanation, especially after he accompanied it with photos which he claimed were taken on Monday August 19, 2024.

A spot check by Citizen Digital revealed that while the photos are indeed of the ongoing road construction of the Kegogi-Sombogo-Marani-Ititi Road, they were not taken on August 19, 2024 as alleged by Husein Mohamed.

In fact the photos may have been taken early when the excavation and levelling of the said road began, before President Ruto visited the area to re-launch it. This was proven by the most recent photos of the same spot showing a levelled road, steps way ahead of what Husein Mohamed shared and time-stamped.

The photos were taken and shared by a tweet going by @Rockefeller, a resident of Kitutu Chache North who went to the ground to confirm what was being shared online.

In his defence of the president, Husein said: “FYI: A project launch is often just a ceremonial event, and it sometimes occurs after works have already begun, hence the phrase ‘OFFICIAL LAUNCH’. Don’t overly concern yourself with plaques. You should’ve gone to Kegogi-Sombogo-Marani-Ititi section where works are ongoing.”

Indeed, works are ongoing on the Kegogi-Sombogo-Marani-Ititi road, which will join the Metembe-Owalo-Rioma-Marani-Mbanda road near Marani township. The question is, will they be completed as scheduled or will they stall as it was in 2016 when Uhuru launched the construction of the same road?

On the plaque shared by Morara Kebaso, several other roads in the area were either launched by Uhuru and stalled, or were tarmacked as planned.

The Metembe-Owalo-Rioma-Marani-Mbanda road was completed during Uhuru’s tenure. The Rioma-Gesieka-Nyaore Road was also partially done during Uhuru’s tenure. However, construction works stalled near Gesabakwa Primary School, leaving the road incomplete towards Nyaore.

One road that has been completed during Ruto’s tenure is the Kegogi-Nyakoora-Rioma road. Construction works started in July 2023 but the road was launched by Uhuru in 2016. The road now links with the Oyugis-Rioma highway. Metembe-Owalo-Rioma-Marani-Mbanda intersects The Kegogi-Rioma-Oyugis road at Rioma Market.

The other roads that Ruto launched in his recent Gusii tour but construction is yet to begin are the Mbanda-Ng’enyi road, Bobaracho-Ragogo road and Ragogo-Bumburia-Kegogi road…CONTINUE READING>>

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