Are you aware that there are several factors that might naturally diminish a man’s ability to have children? Whatever your genetic makeup, if you as a male begin to engage in certain actions on a regular basis, the effect will be infertility or trouble producing children, regardless of how fertile your ancestry is.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The purpose of this article is to discuss various activities that should not be done in excess if you and your spouse have intentions to start a family. This page is mostly intended for married males, as well as for women who may be facing difficulties in having children but are unsure of the source of the problem.

Consider these three (3) things that you should avoid doing excessively as a man: 1.

First, if you are married and have difficulties getting your wife pregnant, I recommend that you refrain from smoking cigarettes. If you are serious about having children, you should stop smoking completely, according to study.

2. Consuming alcoholic beverages: this is another behavior that is quite popular among guys. Drinking large amounts of alcohol reduces a man’s sperm count, and if you are here having difficulty getting your wife to conceive while still drinking significant amounts of alcohol, I recommend that you stop drinking alcohol completely for several months and see if anything changes. If you have rendered your physical body incapable of conceiving, I don’t believe that any amount of copulation will be able to assist you in conceiving.

3. Overheating your testicles on a constant basis; I know you’re wondering what I mean by overheating your testicles, so allow me to explain. Assuming you work at a cyber café and that your whole day is spent in front of a computer working on something other than your own work, and that the computer you use to work is sitting on your laps, then you are very certainly overheating your testicles.

This has been overlooked by many, but it has a negative impact on the testicles since the heat emitted by the system will cause the testicles to become heated, which is completely improper for them….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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