A terminally ill man has urged people to prioritise their health after he made the ‘biggest mistake’ of his life.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Liam Griffiths is currently trying to tick things off his bucket list as fast as he can – while living with the thought that his life could have been saved if he hadn’t made one fatal error.Click here to learn habits that can prevent a throat cancer

The 31-year-old says he is now ‘a shadow’ of his former self after receiving the devastating news that his condition was terminal, despite him being ‘the healthiest man in the world’ and a dedicated gym goer.

He said: “Physically I’m a fragile man, I’m a shadow of who I was. I was the healthiest man in the world. I trained every single day, but now I can’t even walk up the stairs without breaking a sweat.

“I am literally living the worst type of life I could have ever imagined. It’s horrible. Mentally, it’s taken it out of me. Physically, it’s taken it out of me.”Click here to learn habits that can prevent a throat cancer

Liam explained that he began to suffer with stomach swelling, chronic constipation, cramps and vomiting back in March.

But despite his multiple ailments, he didn’t want to make a fuss and would lose out on wages due to being self-employed, so he continued to put his problem on the back burner.Click here to learn habits that can prevent a throat cancer

However, his symptoms continued to worsen and eventually became unmanageable, forcing the lad to go to hospital.

He was initially informed that he had Crohn’s disease – where parts of the digestive system become inflamed – before doctors urgently got back in touch with him a month later to come back in.

Recalling the phone call, Liam said: “As soon as they said for me to bring my mum, Susan, I knew. I don’t even remember the hospital trip – I’ve just blocked the trauma out.”

His life was then tipped upside down when medics told him he had peritoneal cancer and would need to undergo gruelling chemotherapy treatment.

The lad also went under the knife in a bid to banish the disease, but it was unsuccessful and his condition is terminal.

The former oil rig worker, from Middlesborough, continued: “I remember I asked what my lifespan would look like and my doctor said he doesn’t want to give me a timeframe of when my life could end, because he doesn’t want me to focus my whole life around it.

“I agreed and just decided I wanted to get home, fulfil some wishes and just live my life while I can.”

Sadly, Liam’s worsening health means he has had to cross off demanding activities such as completing Tough Mudder, swimming with sharks and skiing because he ‘won’t physically be able to do’ them.

He is on a mission to create ‘key memories’ with his loved ones as well as reminding people to put their health first because he believes ignoring his symptoms and ‘not getting checked sooner is the biggest mistake’ he’s ever made.

The Brit said: “They found my cancer at stage three advanced – but if I had just gone to see the doctors earlier maybe they could have caught it.Click here to learn habits that can prevent a throat cancer  I was self-employed, and I needed the money, so I just kept powering through.

“I did what I thought a man needed to do. I was manning up.”

He added: “I want to push this message because if just one or two people go to the hospital and get checked because of my mistake and my story that would be amazing.”

The chemotherapy treatment available on the NHS is no longer working for Liam, and he is now paying for private treatment, scans and medicine in a bid to prolong his life.

His close pal Eve Bannatyne, daughter of Dragon’s Den star Duncan Bannatyne, launched a JustGiving fundraiser which has so far raised more than £18,000.

Pascale Harvie, president and general manager of JustGiving said: “Liam is an incredible young man and we at JustGiving are in awe of his bravery.

“Not only has he found the strength to battle this horrible disease, but he also raising much needed awareness to encourage other men to get themselves checked, by sharing his own story.”

A dentist has issued a warning over ‘Vaper’s Tongue’.

Yep, just when you thought you’d heard all the reasons why quitting vaping could be a good idea, here’s another thrown into the mix.

The UK is looking to have a crackdown on the addictive devices as a mega number of teens puff away on the colourful bars.

In order to try and lower the number of children using vapes, the government is looking to tighten up restrictions.

There could be less flavours available, a ditch of disposable vapes and an increase in prices as a result of the eight-week consultation.Click here to learn habits that can prevent a throat cancer

While e-cigarettes are recommended to those trying to quit smoking, it doesn’t mean they’re totally good for your health.

Young children have been left in comas from the things and one mum is convinced she lost her teen to vapes.

And while they’re said to actually be harder to quit than regular cigarettes, you might want to think about ditching that mad blue on your desk.

In case you weren’t put off them already, a dental expert at dentalphobia.co.uk has warned of the effects of ‘vaper’s tongue’.

Dr Rhona Eskander says: “It refers to a loss or reduction in a person’s ability to taste flavours when vaping.

“Vaper’s tongue, or the temporary loss or reduction in the ability to taste flavours when vaping, can occur for several reasons when using vape devices.”

Those reasons include ‘olfactory fatigue’ which is when you become ‘desensitised to the flavour’ because of your nose.

It can also occur because of: ‘Overexposure to Certain Flavours’, dehydration, individual variability and smoking history.

While vaper’s tongue is an ‘annoyance’ and ‘frustrating’, it is ‘not inherently dangerous’.

It’s more of a ‘temporary and reversible condition’, so it doesn’t typically pose a direct danger to your health.Click here to learn habits that can prevent a throat cancer

The dental expert does add: “However, the concern with vaper’s tongue lies in the potential for it to mask other health issues. In some cases, persistent or severe taste issues might be indicative of underlying oral health problems or even systemic health issues.

“Therefore, if a person experiences ongoing taste problems while vaping or using any other tobacco or nicotine products, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional or dentist to rule out more significant health concerns.”

To prevent vaper’s tongue, Dr Eskander recommends switching to different flavours and staying hydrated.Click here to learn habits that can prevent a throat cancer

They also recommend: “Try smelling coffee beans or other strong, neutral scents to ‘reset’ their olfactory senses…CONTINUE READING>>

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