A 30-YEAR-OLD man from Plumtree who att@cked his wife with a hammer on the head, claiming it was a sign of his love, learnt the hard way that a wife is not a punching bag when he was sentenced to 18 months in prison.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Sims Ncube att@cked his wife Monalisa Mpofu with a hammer several times on the head and on the right limb leading her to sustain serious injuries.

For the heinous crime he appeared before Plumtree magistrate Joshua Nembaware charged with physical ab_se.

He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 24 months’ imprisonment. Six months of the sentence were suspended for five years on condition that he does not commit any offense involving physical ab_se within that period, for which he would be sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine upon conviction.

Therefore, he will spend an effective 18 months in jail. In mitigation, Ncube shocked the court when he stated that he assa_lted his wife because he loved her. He claimed that if he did not love her, he would not have assa_lted her.

The court heard that on 11 July 2024, at around midnight, Ncube came home and knocked on the bedroom window where his wife was sleeping and requested her cellphone to call their tenant.

The reason for wanting to contact the tenant was not specified in the court documents. When his wife opened the door, Ncube dragged her outside the house and assa_lted her several times on the head and right limb with a hammer.

The matter was reported to the police, leading to his arrest and subsequent appearance in court…CONTINUE READING>>

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