A man identified as Aloise from Busia has revealed that he bought his coffin, dug his grave, and paid mourners who will mourn him after his death. According to him, the mourners undergo training twice a month. He said that he is ready to die.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The man is a husband to four wives and a father to 19 children. Two of his wives died, leaving him with two. He has educated all his children; some are pastors while others are prominent people in the government. He added that some of his children live in America.

He decided to do that after he visited one of his old friends who had educated his children and left for America but didn’t build him a decent house or send him money when he was alive. After his friend died, they built a nice house and bought him an expensive coffin.

He added that the scenario made him arrange his last day on earth to avoid such. Although he says that his children offer him help and would wish to buy him an expensive coffin, he has urged children to help their parents when they are alive because when they die, they can’t bless or appreciate them…CONTINUE READING>>

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