Malaria is a deadly disease caused by a parasite which spreads to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes (Anopheles mosquito). In some cases, it may also transmit via blood transfusion or organ transplant. People with Malaria develop symptoms around 10 days to 4 weeks after infection.

Symptoms like fever, sweats, chills, headaches, malaise, muscles aches, nausea, and vomiting are most commonly reported among the patients. Plasmodium is the main protozoa which spreads to humans through the bite of female anopheles’ mosquitoes. This disease is commonly seen in tropical or subtropical countries.

​​Long term symptoms of malaria​

In paludism, Long term complications do not usually appear, but patients with repeated events of Malaria infection, particularly frequent travellers to the Endemic region, are more vulnerable.

Malaria Infection may tremendously affect the body which can bear long-term health consequences, ranging from accrued susceptibility to bacterial infection to cognitive disability.

Cerebral malaria is the most serious neurological complication caused by malaria infection. Children often are highly affected and surviving patients often have an increased risk of life-long disorders which can profoundly impact their quality of life, including cognitive, motor skills, causing visual coordination impairment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

​​After malaria symptoms​

Dr. Santosh Kumar Agrawal, Sr. Consultant physician, Internal Medicine, Marengo Asia Hospitals Faridabad says, “If malaria symptoms are left untreated, Patients may experience tremors, imbalance while walking and may continue to have fits owing to malaria.

Some patients suffering from paludism may develop acute renal impairment which if left unattended or delayed, can result in permanent damage to kidney structure minimising the renal functions of excreting urine and other wastes from the body.

Such patients who suffer from prolonged impairment of renal functions are advised to be extra cautious and refrain from medications that can further extend damage to already affected kidneys.

In certain parts of the world, paludism raises the risk of Hyper-reactive malarial splenomegaly syndrome in which the spleen increases to massive size owing to an exaggerated immune response to repeated infections of malaria. Enlarged spleen may even rupture in some cases.

Tropical Splenomegaly Syndrome is described by massive splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, marked elevations in levels of serum IgM and anti-malarial antibodies. This may give rise to decreased blood levels and generalised weakness and easy fatigability minimising quality of life and in case of rupture it can also turn fatal for the patients.

Malaria is critical than you know​

Paludism may have long-term effects on the foetus by virtue of foetal developmental abnormalities when the mother gets Malaria infection during pregnancy. It can raise the risk of increased pregnancy losses, low birth weight, premature delivery and other developmental abnormalities too….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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